Surgical Services Performance Improvement
Brighthospital Surgical Services Performance Improvement focuses on the operations of procedural areas in hospitals, such as ORs, Endoscopy, IR and Cathlabs to maximize patient throughput. This is achieved by concentrating on three key aspects of operations:
Accurately measuring the demand and equitably allocating time.
Right-sizing the capacity to maximize utilization and minimize costs
Identifying and eliminating operational bottlenecks that limit throughput.
This service has been implemented in over 50 hospitals with consistent success and blends retrospective analytics, operations know-how, benchmarking, and hands-on implementation with the the following features:
Detailed analysis supplemented with benchmarking to identify the needs.
Recommendations and project plans to guide the institution’s transformation.
Hands-on support at critical times.
Constant monitoring of the operations, to aid immediate refinement and ensure lasting change.
Some of the components of the Service are:
Block Management Program is a unique and comprehensive service that, step-by-step, guides a hospital through the complicated and political block management process. It addresses all the complexities of managing OR time, to provide OR leadership with all the tools, policies, procedures, and support needed.
Staffing Optimization ensures the availability of staff at the right time while minimizing overtime.
Operational Key Indicators identify key bottlenecks that influence OR throughput.
Surgeon Productivity Improvement identifies strategies that improve surgeon productivity without compromising optimal OR utilization.
Inpatient Bed Smoothing looks at the impact of surgical services on inpatient bed and unit utilization and creates a model where hospitals can perform what-if analysis on bed-usage optimization.