Surgical Services Models

Brighthospital provides perioperative performance improvement models which blend analytics, operations know-how, benchmarking, and hands-on implementation. These models have been implemented in over 50 hospitals with consistent success. 

All the models include the following features: 

  • Detailed analysis supplemented with benchmarking to identify the needs.

  • Recommendations and project plans to guide the institution’s transformation.

  • Hands-on support at critical times.

  • Constant monitoring of the operations, to aid immediate refinement and ensure lasting change.

Capacity Improvement Model

This comprehensive model is designed to fully analyze the operational performance of any procedural area, control the demand, right-size the capacity, and improve throughput. It includes the following components:

  • Block Management Program is a unique and comprehensive service that, step-by-step, guides a hospital through the complicated and political block management process. It addresses all the complexities of managing OR time, to provide OR leadership with all the tools, policies, procedures, and support needed.

  • Staffing Optimization ensures the availability of staff at the right time while minimizing overtime.

  • Operational Key Indicators identify key bottlenecks that influence OR throughput.

  • Surgeon Productivity Improvement identifies strategies that improve surgeon productivity without compromising optimal OR utilization.

Inpatient capacity smoothing

This project specifically looks at the impact of surgical services on inpatient bed and unit utilization and creates a model where hospitals can perform what-if analysis on bed-usage optimization. 

Unique view on tray usage, to identify tray availability bottlenecks. This model identifies specific tray usage issues, assists the ORs in usage smoothing, and aids in purchase decisions. 


Customized analysis of perioperative costs and revenues. In addition to profitability analysis, it can be used as a basis for bundle analysis



The backbone of Brighthospital Performance Improvement Models is Brightanalytics:  specialized hospital operations analytics platform that is built specifically to support performance improvement initiatives of hospitals.

Key aspects of Brightanalytics are:

  • Easy setup, quick results: Implementation within one month.

  • Low IT impact: Simple data extracts from existing systems are used to populate the brightanalytics data mart.

  • Standardized & benchmarkable: Custom extraction, transfer and load routines translates raw data to standard data mart, enabling benchmarking.

  • System agnostic: Can be populated with data coming from any system.

  • System upgrade proof: Maintains historical data integrity through upgrades or system changes.

  • State of art analytics: brightanalytics uses Tableau Software to create dashboards and analytics, accessible through web and desktop applications.

  • Immediate access to standard analytics upon implementation.

  • Self-service analytics enabled: Ready for analyst usage immediately. Analysts can create their own analysis using brightanalytics data dictionary and Tableau Desktop. They can publish their dashboards to Tableau Online for users to view.

  • Scheduled dashboard distribution: Customized dashboards can be pushed to key users.